Uploads von Lovely !
MAV - A 30233 - Old two axles car - Budapest - 1966 - Photo: J.J.B. (Di, 03 Nov 2009)Lovely ! hat ein Foto gepostet: MAV - Very old train, probably 50 years old in 1966, but in very good conditions. The communist government was taking care of rich people who could pay for 1st class tickets... This train was waiting at Budapest for next duty. Photo: J.J.B.
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CIWL - Wien-Cannes Express - 1905 - Somewhere in Austria - Coll: J.J.B. (Tue, 03 Nov 2009)
Lovely ! hat ein Foto gepostet: CIWL - At the beginning of the 20th century, there was a train connecting St. Petersburg with Cannes... Of course, you had to change at the russian polish border, as the tracks gauge was not the same. But on each side of that border, the train was carrying sleeping-cars, dining-car, salon and, of course, a van for the luggages of the russian princes who could afford such an expensive trip to the palaces on the Croisette at Cannes ! The locomotive is austrian, the picture is rather well known but I do not know where it has been taken. Probably between 1905 and 1910. Collection : J.J.B.
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STIB - Bruxelles - la 5018 sur ligne 90 à Place Albert - 1966 - Photo: J.J.B. (Mon, 02 Nov 2009)
Lovely ! hat ein Foto gepostet: STIB Bruxelles - La motrice 5018 est au musée depuis bien longtemps et ne peut malheureusement plus rouler mais ici, nous sommes en hiver 1966 et je pense que l'apparition de la 5018 sur la ligne 90 était une chose plutôt rare... Place Albert - Photo: J.J.B.
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DB - The train Berlin-Copenhagen on the "Warnemünde" - Summer 1995 - Photo: J.J.B. (Mon, 02 Nov 2009)
Lovely ! hat ein Foto gepostet: DB - In 1995, there was still a daily train from Berlin to Copenhagen, crossing the Baltic sea on the old ex-DR ferry "Warnemünde". Photo: J.J.B.
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SJ - The ferry "Trelleborg" waiting for a new train to Sweden - 1996 - Sassnitz - Photo: J.J.B. (Mon, 02 Nov 2009)
Lovely ! hat ein Foto gepostet: DB/SJ - The ferry "Trelleborg" waiting for a new train to Sweden. It was also possible to carry trucks, bus or cars on top of the trains if space enough. Sassnitz - 1996 - Photo: J.J.B.
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CIWL - WR Calais-Brindisi du Peninsular & Oriental Express - vers 1920 ? - Coll: J.J.B. (Mon, 02 Nov 2009)
Lovely ! hat ein Foto gepostet: This is probably not an official document. I purchased this very old photo 18x24 many years ago, it was probably a private "souvenir" . It is a pity that we can not see the number of the car... The special express train Calais - Brindisi was mainly for rich british travellers going to the british colonies, giving connection to/from the boat from Dover or Southampton on one side, to or from the boat to India on the other side... A completely different world and period, we are still paying the consequences. Collection : J.J.B.
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CIWL/DSB - Sleeper CIWL DK 3011- Photo : DSB or J. Steffensen - Coll: J.J.B. (Sun, 01 Nov 2009)
Lovely ! hat ein Foto gepostet: The Wagons Lits Company (CIWL) ordered 8 sleeping cars by Skandia, which came into service from 1925 : # 3010-3017. They were used on internal lines : Copenhagen to Esbjerg and Copenhagen to Aalborg, some times until Frederikshavn, and for almost 50 years. They had three classes and were divided in two parts : one for single and double, one for 3rd class which became "tourist" after 1956. I don't remember if I received this picture from James Steffensen, who was a friend of mine, or from the DSB press department. This picture was taken when these old sleepers were already out of use. Coll: J.J.B.
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DSB - Sjaelland - 1950 - Korsör - Coll: J.J.B. (Sun, 01 Nov 2009)
Lovely ! hat ein Foto gepostet: In 1950, there was no ferry connection between Western Germany (Bundesrepublik) and Denmark, all trains had to go through Padborg and Fredericia. The CIWL sleeper 3905 was rather new (1949 - made in Belgium - 3 classes) and was based in Italy for the services Italy-Scandinavia until 1957. On this photo, this car is probably on the line Stockholm-Rome (rather new service) or maybe only Copenhagen-Milan - Document DSB/CIWL - Collection : J.J.B.
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DSV - Mz 1403 leaving the "Dronning Ingrid" - Summer 1991 - Photo: J.J.B. (Sat, 31 Oct 2009)
Lovely ! hat ein Foto gepostet: DSB - The Diesel locomotive Mz 1403 is leaving the ferry "Dronning Ingrid" with a IR train, the Intercity left already. Nyborg - Summer 1991 - Photo: J.J.B.
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DSB - Roedby - Kong Frederik IX & Nord Express - Postcard (Sat, 31 Oct 2009)
Lovely ! hat ein Foto gepostet: DSB - Roedby - Probably the Nord Express but it might also be the "Paris-Skandinavien Express" boarding the "Kong Frederik IX". The van and the next car are french, the van being from before the war and before the SNCF, build for the "Northern Railway" of France (Réseau Nord). This picture was probably taken shortly after the opening of the line Roedby-Puttgarden, which means 1963-64-65. The ferry had one deck only, for railways, no upper deck for mixed traffic. Postcard - Collection : J.J.B.
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DSB - Nyborg - Harbour for the railwayferries - Postcard (Sat, 31 Oct 2009)
Lovely ! hat ein Foto gepostet: Nyborg Faergehavn : the harbour for the railway ferries Nyborg-Korsoer. This picture seems to have been taken during the sixties-seventies, certainly many years after the war but also before the adaptation for the large IC ferries. - Postcard - Collection : J.J.B.
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ÖBB - Steam loc. 35.212 - Knittelfeld - 06/1962 - Photo: J.J.B. (Thu, 29 Oct 2009)
Lovely ! hat ein Foto gepostet: ÖBB - The 35.212 with a typical old freight train at Knittelfeld (on the line Wien - Villach) in June 1962. I was told that pictures of the class 35 are not very common. Photo: J.J.B.
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MAV - V40.013 at Budapest.- 1961 - Photo: J.J.B. (Thu, 29 Oct 2009)
Lovely ! hat ein Foto gepostet: MAV - The class V40 was already very old when I made this photo in 1961. One of this class has been preserved but may not be used anymore, as the modern electrification of the MAV has completely changed the system. In that time, as far as I know, there was only one line electrified : Budapest to the austrian border. Photo: J.J.B.
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DSB - Roedby - Two ferries - Postcard - Coll: J.J.B. (Thu, 29 Oct 2009)
Lovely ! hat ein Foto gepostet: Sorry but I first published this postcard indicating Nyborg : I didn't look on the backside... This is Roedby, with ferries connecting Denmark to Germany : Puttgarden-Lübeck. Collection : J.J.B.
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MAV - M 61019 - Kelebia - 05/1968 - Photo: J.J.B. (Wed, 28 Oct 2009)
Lovely ! hat ein Foto gepostet: MAV - The hungarian railways also purchased Diesel locomotives by NoHAB (Sweden), similar to those which could be seen in Denmark and Norway, but only twenty. I made this photo from my train, at Kelebia during the spring 1968. Photo: J.J.B.
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SNCB - anciens autorails 553 transformés pour travaux d'électrification - Verviers - 05/1966 - Photo: J.J.B. (Tue, 27 Oct 2009)
Lovely ! hat ein Foto gepostet: SNCB - Ces anciens autorails de la série 553 (?) ont été transformés pour participer aux travaux d 'électrification et, en 1966, ils étaient retirés du service régulier depuis de nombreuses années déjà. Ils étaient bien amusants, ces autorails, puisqu'il était possible de rester sur la plateforme, près du conducteur, comme sur les anciens tramways. Le changement de vitesse (un grand levier devant le conducteur, entre ses jambes, si je me souviens bien) nécessitait un double embrayage... Le PFT possède encore et fait rouler sur la ligne 128 un autorail assez similaire. Verviers - Mai 1966 - Photo: J.J.B.
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SNCB/DB - Loco diesel 204.008 - Köln Hbf - 05/1966 - Photo: J.J.B. (Tue, 27 Oct 2009)
Lovely ! hat ein Foto gepostet: SNCB/DB - Pendant des années, les célèbres locomotives Diesel GM construites par AFB (Ateliers Franco-Belges) sous licence NoHAB, très proches des locomotives danoises, norvégiennes et hongroises fabriquées par NoHAB en Suède, dont certaines roulaient encore en 2008, ont assuré des trains internationaux Oostende-Köln, Bruxelles-Paris et Bruxelles-Amsterdam. C'était la série 204 apte à 140 km/h tandis que les 202 et 203 étaient prévues pour 120 km/h et étaient limitées au trafic intérieur. La différence était dans le rapport d'engrenages. Ici, la 204.008 est arrivée à Köln Hbf. et va traverser le Rhin jusque Deutzerfeld pour se placer à l'autre extrémité du train et assurer le retour vers Ostende. - Photo: J.J.B.
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Belgique - Train Oostende - Basel vers 1910 dans les Ardennes - CP - Coll: J.J.B. (Tue, 27 Oct 2009)
Lovely ! hat ein Foto gepostet: Cette carte postale très ancienne est supposée représenter un train international Ostende-Bâle dans les Ardennes belges vers 1910. La locomotive est en effet belge, les voitures peu identifiables, avec probablement certaines voitures de la CIWL qui ne possédaient pas encore le grand et célèbre monogramme. La photo pourrait avoir été prise entre Grupont et Poix, seule section qui présente ce genre de profil et de hautes collines. Quelqu'un en sait-il plus ? La SNCB n'existait pas encore... Collection : J.J.B.
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DSB - The ferry "Dronning Ingrid" leaving Korsoer - Summer 1991 - Photo: J.J.B. (Tue, 27 Oct 2009)
Lovely ! hat ein Foto gepostet: DSB - The ferry "Dronning Ingrid" is leaving Korsoer to Nyborg, the ship will slowly turn 180° and close her bow before to really go ahead out of the harbour. Korsoer - Summer 1991 - Photo: J.J.B..
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DSB - The old ferry Korsoer at Copenhagen - 06/1968 - Photo: J.J.B. (Tue, 27 Oct 2009)
Lovely ! hat ein Foto gepostet: The very old ferry "Korsoer" seen here at Copenhagen. Rather unusual for a ferry which crossed the Storebaelt day after day, year after year... This was in June 1968 and I think that the ferry was still active but certainly at the end of its career... - Photo: J.J.B.
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